第140章(2 / 2)
但有一句话the process is extremely difficult and can result in disaster (such as permanent half-human, half-animal mutations) if done incorrectly. (就是说这过程超级复杂,如果没搞好,可能永远会维持一半儿动物一半儿人),所以,animagus更倾向于是一种状态,而不是一个单纯的魔法。因此推测可能不会因为死亡变成人形吧(应该不会像西游记里那些妖怪似的,一死就原形毕露,因为存在永远变不回来的可能),可以理解为本文暂时这么设定好了(建立在一定基础上)。
part of the process by which one becomes an animagus is holding the leaf of a mandrake in their mouth for an entire month, using the leaf for the creation of a potion, reciting an incantation (amato animo animato animagus) on a daily basis, and drinking the animagus potion during a lightning storm. once the initial training is over, an animagus can change at will, with or without a wand.
according to w.o.m.b.a.t., an animagus transformation is two of the following: a kind of self-transfiguration, a kind of self-charm, or a kind of magic that is neither transfiguration nor charm. you are asked to pick the statement that is incorrect. this would mean animagus transformation is either a kind of self-tranfiguration but not actually a transfiguration or charm, a kind of self-charm but not actually a transfiguration or charm, or a kind of self-transfiguration and charm.
applying college-level logic on this, it would be possible for the animagus transformation to be both a self-charm and a self-transfiguration because if either the self-transfiguration or the self-charm statements were wrong, you would have been left with two conflicting statements, one that affirms the status of this and one that specifically denies the affirmation.
第97章 4.19第二更(捉虫
哈莉原本以为达米安会载着他们回哥谭, 却没想到, 在半路上他转了一个弯儿, 走了一段哈莉来时没见过的路。
“我们有汇报工作要做。”对哈莉的疑问, 达米安从中央后视镜里看了看她的眼睛,淡淡地说。
哈莉点点头,这完全可以理解, 他们今天消灭了自己的宿敌, 虽然只是一部分吧。回来的路上, 渡鸦姐姐又详细地给哈莉解释了一些“灵魂”的问题。
那个日记本里有一部分伏地魔的灵魂, 以及附在其上的一些高深的魔法,能吸取对这个日记本倾注感情的人的生命。
然而, 那片灵魂不完整,但渡鸦姐姐也看不出是几分之一。
提图斯今天怪怪的, 先是莫名其妙地咬死了一只人家的宠物, 现在更是怎么叫都没反应——狗也会神游天外?
但它至少看上去心情不错,哈莉拿车里的纸巾为它擦掉嘴边的血, 它一边眯着眼睛享受, 一边摇着尾巴。
“你今天很不乖哦, 回去罚你几天不能出门。”哈莉轻拍了一下它的脑袋。
这并不是哈莉第一次走进泰坦塔, 迪克哥哥曾经带她来过这里玩儿。
“这是要干什么, 达米安?”她本来以为汇报的对象只有布鲁斯叔叔, 顶多带上一个迪克哥哥,然而, 看着一屋子的人,其中还有康斯坦丁,她悄悄地问身边的达米安。